Saturday, June 8, 2024

Atlas and Hercules Craters


Captured on 8/25/2021 around 2:46 am Flagstaff. With the C11 and Qhy462c camera.  Unknown barlow but guessing Televue 2x.  Stacked best 12% (around 800 frames) of sequence recorded.   Stacked in Autostakkert and sharpend in Wavesharp with final color removal in PS.  Shot during waning gibbous moon phase.

This image is rotated 180 degrees to match a visual perception.  North is roughly up.  The darker crater in the upper right is a partial view of Endymion.

I was doing a catalog and survey of "rimae" based on Features of the Near Side Moon by John Moore.  Atlas is the large crater on the right.  Hercules on the left with little craterlets inside and on the rim.

Including a crop view.

I think these rimae in the craters are pretty cool to observe and photograph.

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