Sunday, August 2, 2020

Mediocre B&W Jupiter in Typical Lousy Flagstaff Seeing

Stack of approx. 7000 out of 14000 frames taken through the C11 with Baader 685nm IR passthrough filter.   The camera is a QHY290 mono and I used a TV 2x barlow.  Yes, it looks better when it's this small.   I used Autostakkert 3 and Registax to stack and process.   (Data was taken on the night of 7/30-31.)

This is pretty much what you get in Flagstaff.  Even when the seeing is "good" and the planet doesn't move much, you still can't resolve the kind of fine detail that you could in Florida.  

I need to dig deeper into Autostakkert because when I tried to just pick the top 5 percent of the images to stack, the result in terms of detail wasn't any better.  The only difference is that I ended up with a much noisier master .tiff file.

The noise issue reminded me that I could have shot a dark and captured with cleaner data.  The unknown issue is how much (if any) that will reduce my FPS.

I was perusing other folks's Jupiter images around the country and for a lot of folks this stacked and slightly processed image is merely a single "okay" frame they would be capturing in regions where atmospheric seeing is much better.

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