Sunday, November 19, 2017

Eclipse Photo from 2017

Taken at Third Fork Cabin in Idaho on August 21, 2017.   I was with Charles Erwin and Jeff Pickens.

Taken through an Orion 100mm F/9 with a Canon 6D.   ISO 100.   1/20 shutter.   There are some weird artifacts, but still an adequate amount of detail in the corona to post.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Wide-field area around Deneb

Taken at Wupatki with the modded 6D and H's 50mm F/1.4 lens.  37 x 3 min shots stacked in DSS (gasp!).  Tracked by the Ioptron SkyTracker Pro.  Darks, Flats, Dark Flats, and Bias files were used.  Then processed in Photoshop.

Friday, February 3, 2017


So I was at Wupatki two nights ago and recorded readings between 21.7 and 21.82 at Wupatki after the moon went down.   Even with the moon up, the SQM read about 21.5 to 21.6.

21.82 is the darkest reading I've measured ANYWHERE.  

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Just a light pollution map NE of Flagstaff showing the Wupatki area.

It's pretty dark at Wupatki.  I don't think people understand how dark it is.   We recently
took some relatives from the east coast out there and I got the feeling they were actually
uncomfortable with how dark it was.

The light dome of Flagstaff is visible, but at the Doney Moutain Picnic area the light
is blocked by two small hills.   I've seen darker skies near the Grand Canyon, the Texas Star Party, and some places in western Nevada.   But overall, it's a nice site.   M33 is often visible naked-eye.
A lot of so-called amateur astronomers don't understand what that means.   :/